Australia BSB Number API

Lookup bank name and code by the first 3 digits of a BSB number. Fast, free, and easy to use. Australia BSB Number API provides accurate and up-to-date data for developers to easily integrate into their applications.
It comes generous usage quotas suitable for most projects under the fair use policy.

×Enter the 4-digit postcode

API Usage

free under the fair use policy
Basic usage copy
curl -H "x-api-key: your key" "

Bank state branch (BSB) Number

A Bank State Branch (often referred to as "BSB") is the name used in Australia for a bank code. BSB numbers are unique identifiers that are used to locate and identify bank and branches in Australia. They consist of a six-digit code, with the first two digits representing the bank, the third digit representing the state or territory where the bank is located (historically), and the last three digits identifying the specific branch of the bank.

While the first two digits are crucial for identifying the bank associated with a BSB number, the last three digits can vary even within the same bank (Many banks only have one BSB for all branches and accounts). This is because different branches may have different BSB numbers, and banks may also use different BSB numbers for different purposes, such as for different types of accounts or transactions.

The Australia BSB Number API is designed to help developers easily retrieve the bank name and code associated with the first three digits of a given BSB number. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as displaying the bank name where BSB number is accepted.